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Kidsslope Pralogià I – The new slope for even more fun!

Everything’s new! A new area, a new route and heaps of new attractions – the Kidsslope Pralagonià I is the youngest member of the Movimënt Parks Family. It is found directly next to the pommerlift Pralongià I and you can be sure that your grommets will experience even more fun and adventures in the winter season of 2021-22.

The family friendly slope filled with snow tunnels, giant slalom rings, funny puppets and other exciting attractions especially made for kids will turn the skiing day into a special adventure. Happy faces and sparkling eyes are guaranteed in our newest Movimënt Park.

Photos from the Kidsslope

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Video from the Kidsslope

Here we would like to show you a Vimeo video.
